Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Will it take a disaster to bring you to your knees in prayer?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to confess and repent?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to change your lifestyle?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to face reality?

Will it take a disaster before you realize that Satan is real?

Will it take a disaster to bring you back to the altar?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to intercede for others?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to forgive those that you have not forgiven?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to pray to God about your situation?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to wait on God for your spouse?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to surrender your life to Christ?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unfortunately sometimes it does takes a real desperate situation or disaster to occur in our lives for the lord to really get our attention, for us to really pray the way we ought to and to really seek the face of God the way we should; we are all guilty of that at times. And because he is so merciful he'll allow those things to happen to get our attention.

I agree how many times does a disaster have to occur in order for God to get our attention. What are our distraction? These distractions are not necessarily sinful things, but the bile talks about a false balance is an abomination unto God.

Is He just the God of the valley or the mountain top in the different seasons in our lives. Just as He is the same God of yesterday and forever we as children, have to reciprocate the consistency of God.

This inconsistency isn't anything new, look at the children of Isreal. They had a pattern, they sinned wandered away from God fell into captivity and torment, and through their desperation and torment they would seek God and the lord would hear their cry and deliver them. Have we as the church of the living God adopted this pattern?

We really have to diligent about being consistent in our walk with God, making each day stronger than day before, we can't live off of yesterday's salvation experience.

Yes learn from yesterday but don't linger in yesterday's experience, and don't wait for a disaster to occur for God to get our attention and don't be so stubborn that a donkey has to speak to you.