Cemetery: A place for burying the dead; a graveyard. Tomb, mortuary, or burial ground.
Have you ever struggled with a situation in your life to the point where you asked God to bring the rapture? I remember being at a point in my life when I asked God to bring the rapture. This situation seemed so intense, and the only thing that I thought could alleviate my suffering would be for the rapture to come. I just wanted something to quench (assuage) my affliction. As I look back now, I realize how God brought me through many situations of struggle. Many people have things which they have overcame in their life. I can now reflect back and see those things which are buried(hidden) in the cemeteries of my past. Examples of these cemeteries can be; cemeteries of failure, cemeteries of lost purpose, cemeteries of molestation, cemeteries of abuse, or cemeteries of fear.
I realize though that some people never make it out of their cemetery, and they end up dying right alongside their struggle(s). Some people may never be able to look back at a cemetery(dead situation), because they may never have the faith(confidence) to step out of their grave (i.e. affliction, struggle, or test). In 2003, God opened the door for me to step out of my "graveyard of sin" and into a new life. Acknowledgment of my condition(lifestyle) of sin is what initially brought me to this door (gateway of salvation and transformation). This door is "The Way" out of your "graveyard of sin." One way , One door, One choice, One name.
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