When I think back to the place that I was in when I was invited out to the church that I attend now and was also baptized at; I can't help but to see God's favor in my life. I was in a nightclub and the individual could have easily felt ashamed about being in the nightclub also, and could have just not said anything to me about their place of worship because of "guilt". I know people that from looking on the outside it may look like there is no need to invite them out to a church service or even witness to them because of their outward appearance; but I know differently. Sometimes we as humans can not get past what the outside looks like. Some individuals struggle to witness to feminine men and/or masculine women. I thank God for giving me eyes to look past the exterior and to look at the potential. I find myself when I am witnessing thinking about the potential outcome instead of one's current predicament. The kindgom of God can grow so much more if others in God's kingdom would just "look past the obvious and focus on the potential". This is critical because many people may not have gotten saved if it was not for someone "looking past the obvious and focusing on their potential". I just would like to encourage you to begin looking at those around you, not with "eyes of doubt" but rather with "eyes of potential" so that the kingdom of God can have a chance to grow even more.
All I can say is WOW! Well said Bro. Smith!
God Bless you. Keep working for the Lord.
I agree. When some people get saved they put on the MASK of being HIGH and MIGHTY; so they look down on people. Truth is if it wasn't for God you wouldn't look any different then them. Sin is sin no matter who is wearing it!
So when you get over yourself, stay under God's hand [humble], and exalt your brother than yourself God will and can bless you. The Bible says with love and kindness have I drawn you. Also, if you wan to be a friend, consider yourself friendly.
Look past what you see may be hard, but when you have the LOVE Of Christ it can really change the way you approach people. This is fully that I'm reading this at this time because my Sunday School lesson I've been studying for the past week and a half is talking about this same thing. Not being respect of person, whether it's a rich or poor man. The Bible talks about how it's harder for a poor man to be saved because they don't want to give anything up; how the poor man is rich in faith and is heir to the Kingdom. James 2: 1-13 Honor All People!
Min. Joy
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