In this day and time we have to realize how delicate our destinies can be. There are individuals that should have been married but they were not positioned correctly. There are people that should have been elevated in their careers, but they were not correctly positioned either. There is power in being positioned correctly. Being positioned correctly means being where God desires you to be. This requires having a relationship with God. When you are positioned correctly and God releases you then his favor is with you. The struggle at times for me is remaining focused long enough to experience the fullness of the next phase of my destiny. God wants to release people into the next phase of their destiny, but He will not release us if we are mispositioned out of his His will. When we are positioned correctly in God's will we speed up the process of our development and maturity. There is a certain level of faith that is required to remain positioned and not become impatient. Impatience, distractions, and lack of faith are 3 things that the enemy uses to get us out of position. We must be careful to know what spirit we are being influenced by so that we can come into the full fruition of our destiny in Christ Jesus.
You are absolutely right. We must be aligned t receive all that the Lord has for us. I feel like at this point in my life, it is so important that I align myself to what God's will is for my life, so I can live the life and do the work he has created me to do. I don't want to be called to be a teacher, a mother, a wife, a evanglist, a writer, etc...and because of self and personal hang-ups miss the opportunity to magnify God in my obedience.
You are on target. I pray that as you continue to pour out of your cup to encourage others that the Lord will continually refill you.
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