Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Levels, New Devils: SAME GOD

Have you ever experienced an intensified struggle, as you sought to obtain a particular goal as a child of God? Whether it was reaching a higher level of consecration, praise, worship, love, or sacrifice. There are seeds(inspirations) of destruction from our past which seek to taint(tarnish) the soil of destiny which God has for us. Going into this new year I believe that these seeds will not go away just because it's a new year. Even though our circumstances may change, God does not change. I prayed a prayer today for God to sever(detach) every connection from me that is seeking to hinder(prevent) me from accomplishing my will in the Kingdom.

As we come into a new year some of us will be elevated to new levels which means new devils(spiritual adversaries). Being naive will not defeat these adversaries. God does not have to change in order to be effective. We as children of God have a choice as to whether or not we are going to change our method of operation(modus operandi) in order to align with the will of God. As this new year arrives and we seek to be elevated to new levels while we war with new devils; there remains one constant which is the constant of "The Unchanging God." Malachi 3:6 states "For I am the LORD, I change not." Are you ready for new levels and new devils in this new year?

1 comment:

Cassandra ATL said...

Hello Brother Scott. I am very familiar with this post. As I get closer to God and remove some things,people, etc. out of my way it seems as though something else comes up to hinder me. I stand knowing God is God and in the end of my trials He will still be God. I've got my armor on and ready for my devils. Because I am destined to be great and I have won already. Great post as always Scott. I'm still waiting for your book to be published.:0) Have a blessed year.