Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Power of Fear

Have you ever feared(reverenced) God to the point where you did not want to cause harm(verbal,physical,emotional) or damage to that which belonged to God? Psalm 24:1 states "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Have you ever loved your family to the point where you would never do anything toward those things which God loved, because it could ultimately interrupt (hinder) the favor of God for your family. As I sit here and write there is a question which comes to my mind which is "can bitter and sweet come from the same source?" They which truly fear God do not seek to cause harm to those things which God loves.

The longer I live the more I begin to observe the lack of reverential fear that people have toward God. The fear of God causes me to be convicted in my heart when I misrepresent the God I say I love. The power of fear keeps me from doing or saying certain things which I know will cause harm to those who God loves (John 3:16 states "for God so loved the world"). The power of fear is the pre-condition which causes me to confess and repent to God and ask for his forgiveness when I disappoint him. The power of fear causes me to be uncomfortable in the presence of those who lack fear(respect) toward God. My prayer is that the fear of God will penetrate(pierce) the hearts of men in these last and evil days.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Poem: Success

Success is when your family looks up to you and respects you

Success is when your friends and family members trust you enough to pray for them

Success is when you can pray in the name of Jesus and things happen

Success is when you can go to sleep with a clean(pure) conscience

Success is when you can live in peace

Success is when you have a trustworthy name

Success is when you choose to serve the will of God rather than serve the will of Satan and sin

Success is when God heals your body without any surgery

Success is when we see ourselves how God sees us

Success is when you have a heart and mind to confess and repent when you fall short of the will of God for your life

Success is when the grace of God covers us

Success is when we are in the will of God


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HE THAT FINDETH A .......... The Dimension of Finding

Proverbs 18:22 states "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD."

Have you continually obtained favor since you found? We live in an age where the methodology of finding something has become simplified. There are many options. If I want to find a restaurant there are a plethora of options; I can pull it up on my cell phone, check on the internet, look in the phone book, or call 411. I can choose to "find" this restaurant using the cyber method(internet), the air wave (telephone)method, or the paper (phone book) method. I may have one objective but many ways to reach this objective.

How do you find something that is birthed in the Spirit? Can you use a natural method to "find" that which is birthed spiritually. Can that which is divine be found with natural eyes? There is a natural dimension through which one can seek & find, which will manifest (show) unto them eye color, hair length, body size, acne, skin complexion, and height. I have come to the realization (revelation) though that there is another dimension through which one can "attain" something which is through the "divine (spiritual)" dimension of finding.
In this spiritual dimension everything that God shows you is beautiful, unlike the natural (carnal) dimension through which people can find many flaws. What dimension of finding are you operating in?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seeking to Enter God's Presence Without His Spirit

As I sit here and write I think of how many people strive toward destinations without the necessary pre-conditions(prerequisites) that are required to arrive at the destination which they are seeking. Why would I seek to drive from Ohio to Florida without the proper pre-condition called "fuel." Why would someone seek to enroll in college knowing that they never finished high school. Lacking the necessary pre-conditions can cause one to never arrive at their destination. People have destinations that relate to marriage, anointings, elevation, worship, careers, ministry, and finances.

Many individuals seek after natural destinations (i.e. relationships), but there are those who also desire to reach spiritual destinations(i.e. higher consecration) . Whenever I seek the presence of God there is a level of humility that must be within me before I can tap into His atmosphere. Just as specific keys are used for specific homes, there is a certain key which is required to enter the dwelling place of God's presence. There is a pre-condition which must be met before one can enter God's atmosphere. Just as a vehicle recognizes the proper ignition key; God recognizes the proper(authentic) spirit. Do you have this authentic spirit(key) called the Holy Ghost?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Time to Invest in Christ: The INFINITE STOCK

Infinite: Limitless, without end, bottomless, eternal, everlasting, and immeasurable.

Have you ever invested (entrusted) time and energy into something or someone, and then eventually as time went by you ended up regretting your investment? Some parents invest money into special accounts such as 529 college saving accounts with the expectation that their child will go to college. Some parents invest time and money into sports with the expectation that their child will become a successful athlete. Many people invest in dating and relationships only for the end result to be disappointment. If I was investing in a stock called "dating & relationships" and my return on investment (ROI) was "wasted time, energy and money," I would fire the stockbroker ! !

There has never been a more opportune time to invest in your spiritual/moral life then right now. It is always an opportune time to invest in your character and destiny. Is the market (merchandise) of your soul ready for the investment of Christ? The blood of Christ was invested for us, and the benefits are still being reaped. The return on investment from this blood has been paramount, and the profit distribution(dividends) from this sacrificial investment is still being calculated. Investing in this infinite stock called Christ can produce dividends that can not be computed by any investment calculator.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Love that Pierces the Fabric of Pain

Have you ever experienced a love which pierced the fabric (condition) of your pain? True love should be able to pierce through any fabric of darkness. True love is like a light that shines and a fire that burns. The heat of true love should melt away any residue of doubt, and the light of true love should overshadow any condition of darkness. If pain was a raindrop, then the atmosphere of true love would cause it to evaporate. True love can be painful, but this type of pain produces strength. The end result of true love should never be weakness. Is the love that you are experiencing causing you to be stronger or weaker?

When the taste buds of my heart first experienced the aroma(taste) of true love, I knew it was genuine. The true spirit of love can never be imitated. There is something about genuine love that sticks to the walls of the heart. This residue of true love that paints the walls of our heart can succor(absorb) any pain which seeks our demise(destruction). When love pierces the fabric of pain there is a release of peace which saturates the atmosphere of the soul. The aroma of peace is the evidence that the dew of pain has evaporated from the ground of our heart. Have you experienced this true love which comes through Christ Jesus?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poem - - Love at First Touch: Do you Remember?

Poem: Love at First Touch: Do you Remember?

Love at first touch caused my lips to tremble

Love at first touch caused my language to change

Love at first touch brought a calmness to my mind, body, and heart

Love at first touch caused peace to overshadow my fear

Love at first touch eased my doubt

Love at first touch caused me to believe

Love at first touch caused me to consider

Love at first touch gave me a certain confidence

Love at first touch caused me to thirst for the next touch

Love at first touch transformed my perspective

Love at first touch convicted me in my sin(s) and changed my life

Do you remember where you were when love first touched you?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Will it take a disaster to bring you to your knees in prayer?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to confess and repent?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to change your lifestyle?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to face reality?

Will it take a disaster before you realize that Satan is real?

Will it take a disaster to bring you back to the altar?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to intercede for others?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to forgive those that you have not forgiven?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to pray to God about your situation?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to wait on God for your spouse?

Will it take a disaster to cause you to surrender your life to Christ?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


As the sermon ended my heart was convicted. I was standing at the crossroads of deciding which master to serve. The atmosphere was ripe for another confession. My lifestyle was like a butterfly in the wind, so unpredictable. My desires were like untamed roller coasters. I needed stability in my life. The words which came from over the pulpit pricked the fabric of my heart. I was ready to make my confession. The enemies of my soul were being delayed as I prepared to make my public confession. The time was now.

I went into a room and got changed into my garments of confession. The time was getting close and my soul was ripe(ready) for change. This would be my greatest confession ever. With my arms crossed and my feet in the water, it was time to make my public confession. As my head went back and my body went down into the water, my confession was being made. I was baptized into a symbolic watery grave. The "old me" had died in the water and I was now new in Christ Jesus. I publicly confessed (acknowledged) through my baptism that I was a sinner, and that I needed the transforming(resurrection) power of Jesus to change my life.

What is your confession? The waters are waiting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Walk Out of Your Graveyard: Cemeteries of Your Past

Cemetery: A place for burying the dead; a graveyard. Tomb, mortuary, or burial ground.

Have you ever struggled with a situation in your life to the point where you asked God to bring the rapture? I remember being at a point in my life when I asked God to bring the rapture. This situation seemed so intense, and the only thing that I thought could alleviate my suffering would be for the rapture to come. I just wanted something to quench (assuage) my affliction. As I look back now, I realize how God brought me through many situations of struggle. Many people have things which they have overcame in their life. I can now reflect back and see those things which are buried(hidden) in the cemeteries of my past. Examples of these cemeteries can be; cemeteries of failure, cemeteries of lost purpose, cemeteries of molestation, cemeteries of abuse, or cemeteries of fear.

I realize though that some people never make it out of their cemetery, and they end up dying right alongside their struggle(s). Some people may never be able to look back at a cemetery(dead situation), because they may never have the faith(confidence) to step out of their grave (i.e. affliction, struggle, or test). In 2003, God opened the door for me to step out of my "graveyard of sin" and into a new life. Acknowledgment of my condition(lifestyle) of sin is what initially brought me to this door (gateway of salvation and transformation). This door is "The Way" out of your "graveyard of sin." One way , One door, One choice, One name.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Footprints of Worship: One Step at a Time

When I walked out my back door last week I left many footprints in the snow as I walked to my car. If someone else walked out my back door and they wanted to know my location (position), then all they would have to do is follow the footprints and see where they led to. If God followed your spiritual (atmospheric/aromatic) footprints, where would he find you? Are your spiritual footprints leading you into a place of peace, love, prosperity, stability, and victory? Or are they leading you into a place of moral decline, stress, confusion, darkness, instability, and broken relationships?

Every time I seek the face (presence) of God through praise and worship there is always an aftermath (denouement) of peace. Whenever the end result is not peace, then this is an indicator that my footprints have gone astray. I have discovered throughout the years that it is never too late to re-align your foot steps. Whenever my lifestyle is synchronized with the will of God, I realize that peace is a by-product of this proper alignment. My daily desire is for my footprints (impressions) in the spirit to consistently worship (express respect) to the God who transmogrified (translated) me into his Kingdom (divine domain/territory). Are your footprints leading you into God's presence?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crosses & Crutches: Which One Will you Choose?

Cross - an affliction that tries one's virtue, steadfastness, or patience.
Crutch - a support typically fitting under the armpit for use by the disabled in walking

As I reflect back on my life and contemplate I realize that there are a plethora (multitude) of excuses (crutches) that I could have used to justify why I ended up in certain situations. As I look at the definition of a crutch I can see that it is used by those who are disabled(i.e. spiritually, emotionally, or mentally) . I work and interact with people on a weekly basis who have become disabled(crippled) by circumstances in their life. Whether the circumstance started years ago or recently; they have become sedated (tranquilized) by their condition. The crutch(past experience) has become easier for them to lean on rather than walking under their own strength. Some crutches can include molestation, rape, disease, poverty, sexual addiction, alcoholism, or abuse.

As I am sitting here, I came across a scripture in Luke 9:23 where Jesus states " If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." How many of us are leaning on crutches(past circumstances) and how many of us are taking up crosses(instruments of strengthening & perfecting)? It is impossible to become healed while nurturing (nourishing) a disabled mindset which started with an experience from your past. Crutches are made out of past experiences which seek to keep us disabled and paralyzed. Is your destiny larger than your crutch? There comes a point in our lives when we have to stop leaning on the crutch and start carrying our cross, just as Jesus carried his cross. I want to dedicate this blog to a deacon at my church who began speaking to me about this topic and it was the inspiration for this writing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Destiny on Pause: Seeking to Marry A Fantasy

Fantasy: An unrealistic or improbable supposition (belief). Apparition, fabrication, hallucination, figment, or illusion.

Over the years I have spoken to many single men in regards to marriage. I have consistently heard them refer to “outer beauty” as one of their main priorities in regards to choosing a spouse. I have often wondered “what if God used externals (i.e. subjective beauty) to decide whether or not he would make a covenant with someone?” What if God decided that he would only make a covenant with people who weighed a certain amount, who had a certain length of hair, a certain eye color, or a certain skin complexion? We would consider this to be ungodly and unrighteous.

Hypocrisy is a 2-way street. Should those who are seeking to be married God’s way use externals as a measuring stick (deciding factor), in regards to deciding who they will or will not marry? Many people’s destinies are on pause (delay) because they desire a fantasy. If God does not use externals as a requirement for divine covenant when it comes to us, then should we here on Earth allow externals to be a deciding factor in regards to us being married? How many destinies are on delay, because of those who refuse to relinquish their false paradigm of beauty?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Playtime is Over: When Boys Become Men

When boys refuse to become men, they hurt(hinder) the people and communities which they are connected to. Men allow God to lead them and boys allow their fantasies to lead them. Boys are led by sight and men are led by faith. Boys detach from responsibility and men attach to responsibility. Boys detach from commitment and men embrace commitment. Boys serve their desires and men serve God. Boys chase girls and men chase God. I have come to the realization that there comes a turning point in every boy's life when he can choose whether to arise or not to arise. The nature of a boy should be to grow into a man.

When a boy fails to grow into a man, then retardation(i.e. spiritual retardation) has entered into the growth process. Retardation is just the delay in the normal growth process of something due to external factors. How many boys are in a state of spiritual retardation? There is an epidemic number of boys being delayed in their growth process because of external factors. I am convinced though that "choice" is one of the main factors as to whether someone will remain in the condition of a boy versus a man. Playtime is over and it is time for the boys to become men so that women are not forced to play his role.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Repentance & Confession: The Keys to Your Release

Repent: To turn away from. To retreat from (i.e. 180 degree turn). Feel remorse or see error of ways. To think differently. To reconsider.

If you were once imprisoned and then set free, what would cause you to return to that prison? Sin is an example of a prison which keeps us captive(caged). Every bar on that prison door is like an issue which keeps us in bondage. How many bars(i.e. bars of unforgiveness, bars of anger, bars of loneliness, bars of insecurity) are surrounding your heart and mind? A heart and mind that is confined can only go so far. I remember a time in my life when I was imprisoned by the temptations of my mind and I lacked the power to escape this prison. It was as if this prison was my home. I felt comfortable in this place of inferiority even though I lacked true freedom. I lacked the power to say no to the temptations that kept calling me. I eventually came to realize that the family members and friends that surrounded me were like inmates with me in this prison of sin.

Sin is missing the mark of God for your life. When I was 22 years old I made a decision that I wanted to leave this prison. This place of inferiority was not my home. I now realize that repentance and confession are two keys which have helped to keep me free from this prison of sin. Jesus died so that I wouldn't have to serve my full sentence. I was facing an eternal life sentence in this prison of sin, but his blood loosened the lock on my prison door. Repentance and confession continue to escort me through my walk with Christ. Are you ready to acknowledge your prison of sin, and turn 180 degrees away from your old ways to step into a new path? This path has been stained with the blood of Jesus and you can only walk on it by faith.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MODEST APPAREL: What Signals are you Transmitting and Why?

Transmit: To send out a signal. Broadcast, convey, relay, traject, or communicate.

There are certain neighborhoods in this country that if I walked into wearing certain colors it could be taken the wrong way. Whether I knew or not does not change the negative attention that could possibly come my way. Our external indicators(i.e. clothing) can attract certain attention to our atmosphere. Being naive/ignorant of our indicators(apparel) does not negate the possible consequences. Various animals also use different signals(i.e.mating calls) to attract certain attention into their atmosphere. Children of God should be aware(cognizant) of the consequences that can come from transmitting the wrong signals through their external apparel. The Bible speaks clearly about "modest apparel." When we as children of God do not align with scripture there is always consequences. Just as a woman can send forth the wrong signal(message) through her apparel(i.e. earrings, shoes, clothing); a man can also do the same.

Before we leave the house we should ask ourselves "what message(signal) are we transmitting(sending forth) and why?" Lack of attention? If we as children of God are representing the Kingdom of God, then the message that we are transmitting, both internally(spiritually) and externally(physically) can be received as either positive or negative. Signals draw(attract) attention. We must be aware of what areas(curvatures) of our body we are attracting(inviting) attention to with our apparel. When our external(physical) apparel contradicts with our internal(spiritual) apparel then we are sending two different(mixed) signals which causes confusion. We do not serve a God of confusion. We as children of God have to be wise in how we choose to dress ourselves so that we are not transmitting confusion and also inviting certain inspirations into our atmosphere. What is the inspiration behind your apparel?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baptized into an Empty(hollow) Identity: The Reality of THE NAME - - special edition

Identity: The distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Distinctiveness, name, oneness, singleness, or ipseity.

As we search throughout the scriptures we will see that there are many titles for Christ such as; The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. There is only one name though, which embodies(expresses) all of these titles (labels, banners). This name is Jesus. Can an individual be baptized into the name of "The Prince of Peace," "The mighty God," or "The everlasting Father?" why? What differentiates one title of God from another title of God? All of these titles reflect(cast) one name(reality). We must understand the importance of distinguishing between a title and a name. Being baptized into the literal name of Jesus versus just a title(i.e. Father,Son) concludes(results in) two different meanings/outcomes, just like 2 + 2 = 4 and 1 + 4 = 5

There are many Father's, son's, cousins, and brothers’s in the world, but when you apply a name to these titles you then invoke/superimpose the identity/power of that name onto/into these titles. The characteristics, authority, and mark of the name are invoked when you baptize in the name(identity) of Jesus versus just a title/position of Jesus. The titles/positions of God can be likened to shadows which reflect the reality of Christ. Have you been baptized into a reflection(shadow) of God or into the reality of God. Jesus is real.

Colossians 3:17 states "And whatsoever ye do in word (something said) or in deed (i.e. baptism), do all in the name (authority, character) of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." There is a more perfect way; which is baptism in the name(reality) of Jesus instead of the reflections (titles,shadows) of Jesus. Apollos was exposed to this more perfect way in the book of Acts (18:25-26, 19:1-6).