Monday, May 19, 2008

Going through the struggle to obtain victory

This April 20th will make five years since I have been saved. If I said that it has not been a struggle I would be lying. Maturity has made me to realize though that many of our blessings as Christians is on the other side of the struggle. The struggle that I speak about concerning myself stems from knowing what decisions to make that will best benefit the Kingdom of God , compared to making decisions which may just be in my best interest and in turn have no benefit to the Kingdom. I realize that there is a correlation between having a strong relationship with Jesus and also making the best decisions for the Kingdom. We must realize as Christians that if we go through our struggles in life successfully, we can come through with more wisdom and direction as it relates to our destiny. We are faced with temptations everyday but the Bible states clearly in 1COR10:13 that there is always a way of escape. We must remain in Christ so that whatever attack comes against us we are able to remain victorious.

1 comment:

Franchine Daley said...

Let me first say, HAPPY 5-YEAR ANNIVERSARY tomorrow.

You are so right, the struggle to obtain victory is not and easy one, but it well worth it. I once read a story about a refiner who was asked why he held the gold in fire so long, and he reply was that he held the gold in the middle of the fire so that it could get rid of all the impurities within it, and he knows that it time to take the piece gold out of the fire when he could see his reflection in it. The Lord is just like this refiner. Although in this life we will encounter the experience as if he is in the middle of the fire, the Lord is with us holding on to us while we are doing through. He does this, so we can come out as "pure gold."

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