Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sufficient grace in a time of need

I had something prepared to write for today, but on my way to work this morning God moved!! As I was on my way to work I began to pray as I was on the freeway, because many things had been occurring to people's vehicles the past couple of days that attend my church. As I got off at the exit I came to a red light. As the light turned green I began to drive and I felt some vibration, so I pulled off the road into a parking lot. As I was changing my tire I seen that the front passenger tire had been slashed in at least 5 different places. I still have the tire in my trunk. It's as if I had been driving on the freeway with a slashed tire. When a tire is slashed it's supposed to go flat. As I pulled out of my driveway this morning nothing was wrong. I was able to drive on the freeway all the way from my house to the west side which is at least 20 minutes away. My tire could have easily blown out on the freeway. Satan meant to take me out! The Bible never said that the weapon (knife, gun, nuclear bomb, word) won't be formed; but He did say that it won't prosper (Isaiah54:17). I just want to encourage you today to continue praying for others and to seek after Jesus, because Satan's ultimate goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. HIS DEMONIC HELL HOUNDS FAILED TODAY.

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