Monday, May 19, 2008

Seeking a greater manifestation

As I continue to grow in Christ Jesus; I realize that I am only going to get out of this walk with Christ what I put into this walk. I am realizing that I must reach a certain level of sacrifice before I can even begin to see what Christ truly has in store for me. With great sacrifices come great rewards. When I say rewards I am referring to spiritual rewards such as peace, joy, love, and longsuffering. We should all seek to see the greatest manifestation of Christ Jesus in our lives that we possibly can. Our sacrifice and God's manifestation are inevitably linked. The outcome of our destiny greatly depends on how deeply we want to see his manifestation, which can be shown through our commitment and dedication to the Kingdom of God . In our seeking the Kingdom of God as stated in Matthew 6:33 we will obtain all that we need for this journey as we continue to follow after Christ Jesus.

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