Before I gave my life to Christ on April 20th, 2003 I used to have a self-righteousness/arrogance about myself as it related to my character. I used to think that since I did not do some of the other things that some of my friends were doing that I was living a higher standard then they were. From my perspective I believed that I was better-off than many people that were in my surroundings. I realize now though that there is one ultimate standard of living and that is God's standard. If someone has never experienced life through the perspective of living a Christian lifestyle; they can never truly know whether or not their standard of living is inferior or not. I realize now that my standard of living before I gave my life to Christ was inferior as it related to my morals, mindset, and choices. God put a desire in me that had me seeking more in life. I just want to encourage you to remember how much more your standard of living has improved as a Christian, and if you have not given your life to Christ I just want to encourage you to consider a purer standard of living.
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