Saturday, May 17, 2008

Relinquishing fear to enter into your destiny

On Monday evening as I was praying for God to give me more insight concerning my destiny; I realized something. It is not that people do not know want to know what their destiny entails; it is the responsibility that comes with knowing your destiny that people struggle with. Just because someone knows their destiny does not mean that they are willing to accept what their responsibility is to God concerning their destiny. 2Timothy1:7 states “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The sooner that we are able realize that fear is what negates our faith in God; the sooner we will be able to step into the plans and purposes that God has predestined for our lives. I just want to encourage you today to continue to seek after your destiny in Christ Jesus, because there are so many people that are affected by whether or not we as Christian’s ultimately reach our destinies through Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

Franchine Daley said...

Wow! You are so right! I think another problem we have in relinquishing fear in order to enter into our destiny is letting go of our comfort zones. This has been very hard for me over the years, but little by little the Lord is helping me to Let go and Let God! I always say I am a work in progress, and I want him to work on me, because I want his will for my life to be done, and I am ready to accept the responsibility that comes with it (with his help). He never wants us to go it alone. He says that I can do all things THROUGH Christ which strengths me!